
  • 文/ 書摘
  • 2018-06-14 (更新:2018-06-14)
  • 瀏覽數7,201




You might think, “It doesn’t mean much that just one seven-billionth in the world becomes peaceful.”
Then think about it and see what would happen, if you wished, “This day today will be a good day,” and you honored the day, so that you had a better day, too. 

旅人分享這個想法 ──


He shared this idea.
Sometimes with old people under a tree in peace.





Yes. That day would be a peaceful and happy day for two seven-billionths of the people in the world, as both you and I tried.
Two seven-billionths = One seven-billionth x 2 
Do you understand ?  Today the world has become two times more peaceful, happier and better, compared to when only I myself tried. 

旅人分享這個想法 ──


He shared this idea.
Sometimes with children who gathered around him curiously.       







Your day is a day in the world.
The world is not far away from you. 
The way you live your day today will create peace in your family, in your school, at your workplace and in your community, and it will lead to mindful nations and a more peaceful world.
Just imagine.
If you can smile today.  If you can conduct actions of compassion today.
How many people around you will be comforted ?





What can you do for those whom you care about ?
Keeping a smile, maintaining good health, caring about how others feel, listening carefully to what others have to say, expressing your candid opinions, showing gratitude, being patient…There are many things that you can do.



Do you take your “inner knowing” seriously ? The meaning of an event can be interpreted in many different ways.
Try to imagine what that means to you through your honest mind.  You will be able to find some very important lesson in that event.


溫和的人, 單純的人, 總是面帶微笑的人,不說謊的人,誠實的人,親切的人,體貼的人,值得信賴的人,品格高尚的人,有德行的人……這就是你的「生活態度」。

What kind of person do you want to become ? A gentle person, a pure person, a person who always smiles, a person who does not lie, a sincere person, a kind person, an attentive person, a trustworthy person, a graceful person, a person of virtue…That would be your conscious way of life.





Are you smiling now ? May many smiles fill your days and your life.
May your life be a wonderful one filled with many smiles created by your conscious efforts. Honoring the day every day and living a better life.
As the traveler predicted sharing this idea of “Your day will change the world”

he manifested a better world starting from himself and where he lived.
His life was filled with many smiles.


摘自  楠茂宣《你的一天,足以改變世界:讓日子熠熠生輝的「10個大哉問」》/小熊出版  


Photo:Vinicius Wiesehofer from Pexels , CC Licensed.


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